Draft EPA Regulations
The NSW EPA has released the draft Thermal Energy from Waste Regulation for public consultation. This regulation will determine if and where waste can be burnt in NSW. The draft regulation has a number of shortcomings that need to be addressed to ensure that the health of NSW residents and the environment are protected.
We have until 5pm on Sunday 20 March to lodge submissions.
So how do I object?
Click on the link below and follow the instructions to submit an objection directly to the EPA’s “Have Your Say” page for the draft regulation. You will need to create your own unique response to the EPA as form letters won’t count, however, you may wish to utilize some of the information from the sample letter below.
The most important thing to note is that submissions close at 5pm on Sunday 20 March 2022, so you need to act now!
Once you’ve completed your submission save it as a PDF (click save as and change the file extension to .PDF), then follow the step by step guide below.
How to lodge your submission
Click on the link to the EPA’s “Have Your Say” page: https://yoursay.epa.nsw.gov.au/energy-waste-regulation
In the text box type “Please see attached submission”.
Then click on “Choose file” to attach your submission and select your file.
Fill out your name, email address and suburb.
Check “I am not a robot”
Click “Submit”.
Once you’ve made your submission a drop-down menu will appear giving you the opportunity to be updated on the status of the draft regulation. You can opt-out of this at any time.