The list below contains links to all research and articles referenced by CATTI on this website. This list is continually updated as new information comes to light.
1. Environment pollution from WTE incineration
Incineration and human health - State of Knowledge of the Impacts of Waste Incinerators on Human Health, Michelle Allsopp, Pat Costner and Paul Johnston, Greenpeace Research Laboratories, University of Exeter, UK.
Australian waste export ban signals green light for dangerous waste incineration industry, National Toxics Network, 12/08/2019.
Toxic ash poisons our food chain, Jindrich Petrlik and Lee Bell, IPEN, Revised version: February 2020
Facts about “Waste-to-energy” incinerators, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
The Threat of Incineration in Australia, Zero Waste Australia
Air pollution negotiations: falling short of breath, Zero Waste Europe, 05 Jul 2016
Learn about dioxin, United States Environmental Protection Authority.
Dioxins and their effects on human health, World Health Organisation.
Incineration and air toxics, Zero Waste Australia
Burning Waste for Energy - it doesn't stack up, National Toxics Network Report, Bell & Bremmer, 2013
2. The health risks associated with WTE incineration
Incineration and human health - State of Knowledge of the Impacts of Waste Incinerators on Human Health, Michelle Allsopp, Pat Costner and Paul Johnston, Greenpeace Research Laboratories, University of Exeter, UK.
The health impacts of waste incineration: a systematic review, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 2020 vol. 44 no. 1 - Peter W. Tait, James Brew, Angelina Che, et al.
Health Effects due to Emissions from Energy from Waste Plant in London, May 2020, Dr Ben Marner, Tom Richardson and Prof. Duncan Laxen
Toxic ash poisons our food chain, Jindrich Petrlik and Lee Bell, IPEN, Revised version: February 2020
Facts about "Waste to energy" Incinerators, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
Externalities of energy sources: The operation of a municipal solid waste-to-energy incineration facility in the greater Thessaloniki area, Greece; Waste Management Volume 113, 15 July 2020, Pages 351-358; Vlachokostasa et al.
Relationship Between Distance of Schools from the Nearest Municipal Waste Incineration Plant and Child Health in Japan - February 2005, European Journal
of Epidemiology 20(12):1023-9, Miyake et al.
Dioxins and their effects on human health, World Health Organisation.
Incineration and air toxics, Zero Waste Australia
Burning Waste for Energy - it doesn't stack up, National Toxics Network Report, Bell & Bremmer, 2013
3. How WTE incinerator toxins infiltrate food production, agriculture and water
Incineration and human health - State of Knowledge of the Impacts of Waste Incinerators on Human Health; Michelle Allsopp, Pat Costner and Paul Johnston, Greenpeace Research Laboratories, University of Exeter, UK.
Toxic ash poisons our food chain, Jindrich Petrlik and Lee Bell, IPEN, Revised version: February 2020
Facts about "waste to energy" incinerators, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
Learn about dioxin, United States Environmental Protection Authority,
Dioxins and their effects on human health, World Health Organisation,
Incineration and air toxics, Zero Waste Australia
Burning Waste for Energy - it doesn't stack up, National Toxics Network Report, Bell & Bremmer, 2013
4. WTE incineration and its contribution to global warming and climate change
Waste to energy, Greenwash at its best, Waste to Energy Factsheet, The Greens
Facts about "waste-to-energy" incinerators, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
Greenhouse Gas and Air Quality Impacts of Incineration and Landfill, 9th March 2021, Eunomia - Ann Ballinger, William Shanks, Lauren Duffield, Dr Chris
The Threat of Incineration in Australia - Zero Waste Australia
Burning Waste for Energy - it doesn't stack up, National Toxics Network Report, Bell & Bremmer, 2013
5. Why WTE incinerators are unsustainable waste-management
Waste to energy: Greenwash at its best, Waste to Energy Factsheet, The Greens
The EU is clear: Waste-To-Energy incineration has no place in the sustainability agenda, Zero Waste Europe, 26 May 2021, Kassandra Makavou
Waste: Energy from Waste - London Assembly Environment Committee, February 2018
Facts about "waste-to-energy" incinerators, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
Greenhouse Gas and Air Quality Impacts of Incineration and Landfill, 9th March 2021, Eunomia - Ann Ballinger, William Shanks, Lauren Duffield, Dr Chris
Inside the EU's waste-to-energy battle, Beth Gardner, GreenBiz, May 14, 2021
The Threat of Incineration in Australia - Zero Waste Australia
Burning Waste for Energy - it doesn't stack up, National Toxics Network Report, Bell & Bremmer, 2013
6. WTE incinerator risks to our local industry, agriculture and livelihoods
Incineration and human health - State of Knowledge of the Impacts of Waste Incinerators on Human Health; Michelle Allsopp, Pat Costner and Paul Johnston, Greenpeace Research Laboratories, University of Exeter, UK.
Waste to energy, Greenwash at its best, Waste to Energy Factsheet, The Greens
Facts about "waste-to-energy" incinerators, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
Dioxins and their effects on human health, World Health Organisation
Burning Waste for Energy - it doesn't stack up, National Toxics Network Report, Bell & Bremmer, 2013
7. How "out-of-sight, out-of-mind" rural WTE incineration impedes best-practice waste management
Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind: the Politics and Culture of Waste, Edited by Christof Mauch
Waste: Energy from Waste - London Assembly Environment Committee, February 2018
8. Why WTE incineration is an inefficient and ineffective form of energy
Waste to energy: Greenwash at its best, Waste to Energy Factsheet, The Greens
Facts about "Waste-to-energy" incinerators, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
Greenhouse Gas and Air Quality Impacts of Incineration and Landfill, 9th March 2021, Eunomia - Ann Ballinger, William Shanks, Lauren Duffield, Dr Chris Sherrington
Burning Waste for Energy - it doesn't stack up, National Toxics Network Report, Bell & Bremmer, 2013
9. The toxic waste and byproducts of WTE incinerators
Incineration and human health - State of Knowledge of the Impacts of Waste Incinerators on Human Health; Michelle Allsopp, Pat Costner and Paul Johnston, Greenpeace Research Laboratories, University of Exeter, UK.
Waste to energy: Greenwash at its best, Waste to Energy Factsheet, The Greens
Facts about "waste-to-energy" incinerators, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
Learn about dioxin, United States Environmental Protection Authority
Dioxins and their effects on human health, World Health Organisation,
Fly Ash Treatment Technology in Modern Waste Incineration Plant Article, 2010, Syc et al.
Burning Waste for Energy - it doesn't stack up, National Toxics Network Report, Bell & Bremmer, 2013
10. Problems with Veolia's Woodlawn Operations and Veolias lack of social licence to operate a WTE incinerator
Woodlawn Bioreactor Complaints Register, Veolia Environmental Services (Australia)
EPA fines Veolia Environmental Services for waste offence, Goulburn Post, 23 July 2021
Tarago landfill odour sparks caution over Veolia's waste to energy plan, Goulburn Post, June 21 2021
Woodlawn Bioreactor fined $8,000 for unbearable smell, 26 June 2015, NSW EPA
Bungonia and Tarago residents kick up a stink over waste-to-electricity incinerators, About Regional, Hannah Sparks, 10 May 2021
Waste trains create a stink in Tarago, forcing children to stay inside, Canberra Times, September 21 2018, Blake Foden
11. Waste requirements for WTE incinerator operations
Waste-to-energy: Greenwash ar its best. Waste to Energy Factsheet, The Greens
Fly Ash Treatment Technology in Modern Waste Incineration Plant Article, 2010, Syc et al.
12. Circular economy and WTE incineration
Waste-to-energy: Greenwash ar its best. Waste to Energy Factsheet, The Greens
Waste: Energy from Waste - London Assembly Environment Committee, February 2018
Facts about "waste-to-energy" incinerators, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
Inside the EU's waste-to-energy battle, Beth Gardner, GreenBiz, May 14, 2021
The Threat of Incineration in Australia - Zero Waste Australia
13. Standards and recommendations relating to WTE incineration
NSW Energy from Waste Policy Statement - NSW Environmental Protection Authority, June 2021
Energy from Waste Infrastructure Plan - Supporting the NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041, NSW Government, September 2021
Energy from Waste - Report from the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer, May 2020 with additional advice as at November 2020, NSW Government.
Response to the Energy from Waste report from the NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer
Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for Waste Incineration Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Integrated Pollution Prevention
and Control) - Frederik Neuwahl, Gianluca Cusano, Jorge Gómez Benavides, Simon Holbrook, Serge Roudier 2019
Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/2010 of 12 November 2019 establishing the best available techniques (BAT) conclusions, under Directive
2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, for waste incineration (notified under document C(2019) 7987) (Text with EEA relevance)
Opinion of the forum for the exchange of information pursuant to article 13 of the directive 2010/75/eu on industrial emissions (ied article 13 forum) concerning the Draft Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference document for Waste Incineration - Meeting of 27 February 2019
14. NSW Government WTE incineration documents
NSW Energy from Waste Policy Statement - NSW Environmental Protection Authority, June 2021
Energy from Waste Infrastructure Plan - Supporting the NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041, NSW Government, September 2021
Energy from Waste - Report from the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer, May 2020 with additional advice as at November 2020, NSW Government.
Response to the Energy from Waste report from the NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer
Consultation Report: Proposed changes to the NSW Energy from Waste Policy Statement, NSW EPA
15. Veolia Woodlawn Incinerator
Woodlawn Advanced Energy Recovery Centre Scoping Report, Prepared for Veolia Environmental Services (Australia) Pty Ltd, May 2021