Veolia's toxic incinerator plume
This visualisation shows the (predicted) state of pollution over time from Veolia's planned incinerator in the Goulburn Mulwaree council region near Tarago, NSW. The live overlay shows the concentration of oxides of nitrogen at ground level across Goulburn Mulwaree, Canberra, Queanbeyan, Yass, Upper Lachlan and Bungendore.
Developed by the US EPA, which is one of the most famous modelling systems for air pollution. Plume plotter uses the regulatory default options of AERMOD. It takes account of the real terrain in the vicinity of the incinerator, current weather conditions, upper air data, as well as properties of the incinerator emissions and the shape of the incinerator buildings. Data about the incinerator and its emissions is taken from that provided by the incinerator promoters.
Click the image below to adjust the distance, or see an animation of the plume's change in direction with the wind over time. Once you make your selection to the settings click 'show' to see the adjusted image.
Gallery showing various toxic plume directions
Screenshots taken from the plume plotter at different times demonstrate how far the toxic plume will travel.