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Sep 4, 2023 - Tarago Presents to the United Nations Rapporteur
In strong support of the Tarago community, United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur, Dr. Marcos Orellana at the End of his Mission Statement made particular mention of the problems the community is facing. He unequivocally contradicted Veolia’s claims that an incinerator forms part of a circular economy. He also specifically cited the threat faced by Tarago and our surrounding communities and noted the community's concerns with the lack of consultation in regard to the NSW Government’s decision to push these facilities on regional communities.
Nov 15, 2022 - Veolia's contempt for the community
Read about how Veolia resorts to name-calling: The last refuge of those who cannot logically disprove an opposing point of view.
Nov 1, 2022 - Veolia contaminates groundwater
In 2017 Veolia revealed to the EPA that leachate had leaked from two of their major evaporation dams and that this seepage had entered groundwaters. According to the EPA, the recipient of these polluted waters is Crisps Creek which ultimately drains
into Lake Bathurst and associated groundwaters. The EPA goes on to state “that there are reasonable and feasible measures that Veolia could have taken to prevent the potential for pollution of waters”. All this continues to occur while Veolia is asking the NSW Government to permit them to build a toxic waste incinerator on the same site.
Nov 3, 2022 - Open letter from former Veolia Community Liaison Committee members
Veolia’s Community Liaison Committee (VCLC), individually and collectively resigned from the VCLC on Thursday, 27th August 2022, in response to Veolia’s insistence in pursuing to build and operate a waste incinerator within the Woodlawn Eco Precinct, Tarago, NSW with no justifiable need.
Nov 3, 2022
Veolia’s community committee incinerated over proposal to burn Sydney’s waste near Lake George
(EIS Public Exhibition 26 October – 6 December) All of the community representatives on the Veolia consultative committee have resigned in protest of the proposed waste incinerator near Tarago in NSW. Veolia has lodged their Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for an incinerator that will burn 380,000 tonnes of Sydney’s waste every year at Tarago, near the shores of Lake George. The proposal is now open for public comment for 6weeks until 6 December.
Aug 10, 2022
What is a safe environment worth?
Veolia and the government acknowledge that the proposed incinerator will produce extremely hazardous by-products – persistent organic pollutants such as dioxins, furans, and polychlorinated biphenyls (BCPs), along with heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium and lead. So what happens if these byproducts leach into our environment or are accidentally dispersed?
Oct 26, 2022
Community rallies against Veolia's Tarago incinerator proposal during the public exhibition
Despite consistent calls from all sections of the surrounding communities and all of our local political representatives to drop this toxic proposal, Veolia is pushing ahead without any social licence.
Jul 12, 2022
What is Veolia hiding?
What happens when the air pollution control system malfunctions and unfiltered toxic particulates are sent spewing out over Tarago?
What happens when there is a problem with the storage or management of toxic fly ash and it leaches into the water table? Will Veolia share this information with us to help us protect our children, our families and our livelihoods? Based on their current operational record, the answer seems to be a clear and resounding “No”.
May 29, 2022
What is an OTNOC event and why you should care?
OTNOC stands for “Other Than Normal Operating Conditions”.
Every incinerator has a number of OTNOC events each year. They include times when the incinerator is started up and shut down, emergency events (such as those that Veolia informed the community would take 6-8 hours to shut down the incinerator), and whenever Veolia does maintenance on the filters.
Why is OTNOC a concern? Because there are NO EMISSIONS STANDARDS
for OTNOC.
May 1, 2022
Goulburn Waste to Energy Incineration Threat
Presentation by Zero Waste's Jane Bremmer
Read about:
Current waste-to-energy proposals in Australia.
Waste-to-energy air emissions and nanoparticles.
Childers environmental health protection - a policy driver.
The health impacts of emissions - a systematic review and recommendations.
Volume 4, Dec 4, 2021
Read about:
How the petition will be tabled to the Minister of Energy and Environment.
The press coverage over the past few weeks.
Development application news.
How you can help save our community from a toxic waste incinerator.
Volume 3, Nov 24, 2021
Read about:
Everything you need to know about signing the e-petition - the single most important thing you can do to stop the incinerator from being installed in your community.
Volume 2, Nov 24, 2021
Read about:
The first meeting of a community working group to grow awareness and oppose the incinerator development
How a shared concern brought together representatives from community organisations, church groups, local politics and Council to raise awareness within the Goulburn-Mulwaree region and beyond.
The Council's update on their progress in their fight to stop Veolia's WTE
Volume 1, Nov 14, 2021
Read about:
How local MP Wendy Tuckerman visited Tarago on Saturday 6th November to hear community concerns about the proposed incinerator.
How representatives from Council and candidates for the upcoming Council elections were there.
The Council's update on their progress in their fight to stop Veolia's WTE