On Saturday afternoon Anglican Bishop for Canberra and Goulburn, Dr Mark Short, stopped by Tarago with Rev Paul Davey to talk with 20 local and surrounding community residents opposed to Veolia’s incinerator proposal in Tarago.
They both listened closely to our concerns and are helping to mobilise community groups in Goulburn and beyond to support fight against these toxic facilities.
A big thank you to them both for taking the time to visit and to those locals who attended. Unfortunately due to ongoing COVID-19 gathering restrictions we didn’t put the call out very wide, but I can assure you they heard the community’s position loud and clear!
We hope at some point our local MPs @Wendy Tuckerman MP, Angus Taylor MP, Kristy McBain and candidates for Monaro will take the time to engage and listen to their constituents and take action against this proposal and the facilities more broadly as our elected representatives in government.